Today, trust is very low. According to the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, less than half of the general population trusts business, government, media and nongovernmental organizations to do the right thing. And, it appears to be getting worse.
At SC Johnson, we believe trust has to be earned, and we think earning it depends on several things. First, our products must work as promised, every time, and do so safely. Second, we have to show how we create a great, safe workplace for SC Johnson people, and take care to protect the environment and improve the communities where we work.
Third is transparency. We must be transparent with the good and bad — transparent about our ingredients, our environmental issues, our supply chain and even the mistakes we make.
And the fourth is operating with a high degree of integrity, which is an important and enduring value at SC Johnson. This means acting ethically, doing the right thing, and being honest with our consumers and stakeholders. That is why we are committed to transparency and sharing the details about our ingredients and the science we apply when selecting them.
These values have all been part of our company’s DNA for a long time, and they continue to guide us in all that we do today.