It has been said that we are all defined by our choices. As a family company, this responsibility is front and center in every decision we make.
After all, we are not just asking people to use our products. We’re putting our family name on every single one of them. We want people to know how strongly we stand behind the choices that go into making them.
For more than 100 years, we have been pioneering in our industries, leading in our communities, and investing in the best science to help us go beyond what’s regulated to do what’s right.
Whether it was getting out of CFCs in the 1970s, phasing out volatile methylsiloxanes (VMS) recently, or the many milestones in between, we have continually made choices based on an intense scrutiny of ingredients and the newest, best data available to guide us.
Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson
Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson