Using Nature Optimized by Science to Protect People
Nearly 65 million Americans want alternatives to conventional pest control.* We’re meeting that need.
In 2022, SC Johnson launched a new pest control brand that is rooted in nature and optimized by science, STEM. Using plant-derived active ingredients like lemongrass, mint and rosemary oils, it aims to help the millions of families who currently don’t use pest control products, leaving them unprotected as they open windows and spend time outdoors.
The STEM line, which includes insecticides and repellents, is entomologist-tested and scientifically engineered to be effective against bugs and safe for use around kids and pets when used as directed. The brand was named a Product of the Year in 2022 for outstanding innovation, based on a survey of 40,000 American shoppers conducted by Kantar.

In June 2022, the STEM brand kicked off a partnership with Pharrell Williams’ educational organization, YELLOW, to encourage curiosity and inspire wonder through science and nature for the next generation.
Nature’s Escape, presented by STEM and YELLOW, features insect-focused, multi-sensory experiences for families to explore curiosity around science and nature. The experience toured the U.S. as a fun, free activity that encouraged families to get outside and learn together.
The brand is also contributing to YELLOW’s first micro-school, YELLOWHAB, to support a green roof immersive learning experience and garden beds for learning activities.
* Source: OMNI Audience Explorer: IRI Purchase-Based Data Set. Dec 2021