SC Johnson Supports Conservation International and Its Inspiring Virtual Reality Tour of the Amazon
Most people agree that nature is worth protecting. But there’s nothing like seeing it up close to help drive home the beauty and biodiversity that nature has to offer.
That was part of the inspiration for SC Johnson’s partnership with Conservation International to support distribution of the virtual reality film Under the Canopy. It was yet another step in the company’s more than 15-year environmental partnership with the NGO.
The Amazon rainforest provides a wealth of ecosystem services that are critical for the sustenance of life on this planet… It is not only worth protecting, it is a necessity.
To Protect Forests, SC Johnson and CI Showcase 360 Degrees of Amazon Rainforest
The remarkable film Under the Canopy allows viewers to experience the wonder of the Amazon in 360-degree virtual reality. You can hear the hums and chirps of the rainforest. Watch a sloth slowly climb a tree. Take a small, wooden boat down the jaw-dropping Amazon river.
By transporting viewers to Earth's most biodiverse ecosystem, the Conservation International film highlights why people need Amazonia to thrive, from its role as the world’s largest watershed to the fact that its trees absorb carbon and help regulate climate.
The film also invites viewers to hear from the indigenous people of the Amazon, who are instrumental in the fight to preserve the rainforest for future generations. “We see it as home. We care for the forest, protect it, tend to its needs as it tends to ours,” says Kamanja, one of the local people.
He goes on to speak of the changing landscape, the disappearing species and of our collective duty to do something: “The forest of Amazonia connects us all. It provides clean air for the world. It gives life to me and to you...We can only save it together. It’s up to us.”
Under the Canopy

“The Amazon rainforest provides a wealth of ecosystem services that are critical for the sustenance of life on this planet…everything from fresh water and fresh air, to carbon sequestration and extraordinary biodiversity, even tourism and recreation,” said SC Johnson Chairman and CEO Fisk Johnson when announcing our support of Conservation International’s film.
“It is not only worth protecting, it is a necessity. We are delighted to help Conservation International educate about and protect Amazonia.”
Among the many reasons to stop deforestation and protect the Amazon region:
- It’s the largest remaining tropical forest on the planet.
- Forests are “the lungs of the Earth,” absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen.
- Every second, a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is lost.
- The Amazon region hosts the richest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet, with 10% of the world’s known species.
- The rivers of the Amazon region carry 20% of the world’s fresh water and provide hydropower for millions of people.

SC Johnson Corporate Philanthropy Supports Forest Protection, Individual Action
Along with supporting distribution of Conservation International’s film, SC Johnson established an acre-for-acre match challenge to help protect the Amazon region.
For every acre of rainforest protected through the Conservation International donation page, we agreed to provide a match, up to 5,000 acres. Beyond the obvious environmental benefits of this effort, it was an example of our company working to live up to our own principles, too.
As a member of the Consumer Goods Forum, SC Johnson shares its commitment to net zero deforestation by 2020 through the sustainable sourcing of pulp, paper, packaging and palm oil. Our company has fully aligned with the CGF Pulp, Paper and Packaging Guidelines.
In addition, for more than a decade, we’ve worked with Conservation International and its REDD+ program to engage communities in conservation, safeguard forests and secure livelihoods. SC Johnson also has helped protect Brazil’s Caatinga ecoregion since the 1990s.
"SC Johnson turned this inspiration into action, engaging viewers around the world in preserving this forest for the benefit of us all."
- Peter Seligman, cofounder, chairman and CEO of Conservation International
Soon, we were thrilled to announce that the goals of our acre-for-acre challenge with Conservation International had been met, providing significant support for reforestation efforts.
The campaign – which garnered donations on Conservation International’s website from all 50 U.S. states and 31 countries – generated enough donations to preserve 5,000 acres of rainforest in the Amazon region. SC Johnson matched the donations to lift that number to 10,000.
The funds from the program will be used to protect tropical forests and replant approximately 3 million trees in the Amazon region.
“Under the Canopy brings viewers to the heart of the Amazon rainforest and inspires them to protect this irreplaceable resource,” said Peter Seligmann, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Conservation International. “By supporting our Protect an Acre campaign, SC Johnson turned this inspiration into action, engaging viewers around the world in preserving this forest for the benefit of us all.”