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Community Volunteers Generously Carry on SC Johnson's Legacy of Civic Involvement

We’re not the only company out there with a social conscience, but we are proud of our long history of community involvement. Our founder, Samuel Curtis Johnson, donated a portion of every paycheck to civic initiatives and was heavily involved in youth programs. It meant a lot to him on a personal level, and we’ve tried to carry that spirit through generations of our company.

That said, we don’t have a formal program at SC Johnson that incentivizes volunteerism with paid time off. To us, paying people to volunteer goes against the point of volunteerism: giving generously of yourself to make an impact on your community. If the time off is paid, it’s just another day at work. 

Yet even without incentive, SC Johnson people all over the world serve on community boards, volunteer at local service agencies and give their own free time to make their communities better. It’s incredibly humbling and makes us immensely proud.

Corporate Volunteerism: SC Johnson People Give Back

On weekends, evenings and the occasional team-building day, SC Johnson people go out in their communities to help with social, environmental, educational and other efforts. Here are just a few recent examples.

Volunteers from SC Johnson United Kingdom
A team from SC Johnson UK recently transformed Frimley Park Hospital’s “Time Garden,” a space near the cancer ward that is regularly used by patients. The team painted benches and updated the garden with new plants. A local plant expert also volunteered his time and expertise to help the SC Johnson team beautify the gardens for patients.
Volunteers from SC Johnson Australia
SC Johnson Australia celebrated National Tree Day by participating in the official opening of the newly revitalized Kukundi Nature Play Area in Lane Cove National Park, with Nature Play equipment the company helped fund. As a volunteer activity, SCJ people helped plant more than 600 native seedlings at the park.
Volunteers from SC Johnson Argentina
Even a little rain didn’t hold back volunteers in Argentina. An SC Johnson team there helped build a transitional home for residents in Pilar, helping to improve the lives of people in their community. SC Johnson has long partnered with TECHO, an organization working throughout Latin America to provide transitional housing, education and advocacy to those living in extreme poverty.
Volunteers from SC Johnson in the United States
Continuing a tradition of nearly 30 years, on Earth Day 2017 more than 160 SC Johnson volunteers in our headquarters hometown of Racine, Wisconsin, came out for a cleanup project. At River Bend Nature Center, volunteers cut brush, laid six truckloads of new mulch, planted 400 trees and cleared invasive weeds to improve trails.